An AI-assisted weather forecast system.
The proposed RandomMask gradually increases the task difficulty of BERT-like pretraining by expanding mask boundary.
We are conducting inspiring researches in general object detection. Our team won the 1st place of ILSVRC 2016. We are also working on the related topics including video detection and object tracking.
Visual relationship detection involves detecting and localizing pairs of interacting objects in an image and also classifying the predicate or interaction between them. We are now working on this challenging problem. Click to see the detail!
Given one query image of one specific person, a person ReID system is expected to provide all the images of the same person from a large gallery database. We have been focusing on person re-id problem over years.
Check out our Semantic Scene Completion on Point Cloud.
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Towards General Human-centric Perception.
Pushing the Skillful Global Medium-range Weather Forecast beyond 10 Days Lead.